Books or Movies?

Do you prefer books or movies? I prefer books. There are lots of reasons why and today, you will hear a lot!

Books or Movies?
Photo by Robert Anasch / Unsplash

By: Olivia Migliorisi

 Do you prefer books or movies? I prefer books. There are lots of reasons why and today, you will hear a lot!
 One reason why books are better than movies is because they do not require electricity. Movies, however, do. Tvs need to be plugged into an outlet. Books are paper. They do not need to get plugged in or charged. Sure, they need light, but you can get light in other ways like the sun and candles. Not just lightbulbs!
 Also, books give you more work for your brain. Basically, it is brain exercise. Almost like a puzzle, you're brain has to put together information that it gathers. If you have even one missing piece, nothing will make sense.
  Another reason why I think books are better is because they give you more freeddom. For example, you can more or less decide for yourself about what the charachter looks like. In a movie, it will just show you the charachter and what they look like, where as in a book, they tell you. The character. Is she tall or is she short. Is she wearing a dress or a shirt and shorts? For example, "Mia, the girl with marshmallow white skin and eyes blue as the ocean walked towards me, her beautiful, curly, golden hair sparkled in the sunlight" See? In a movie, you don't get to decide that. It is just shown to you. That brings me to my next and final point.
 That part of a story is being told by someone else. That someone else obviously thinks that Mia is pretty. Did you see how I said, "thinks?" Well, you would not know what the "someone" was thinking if it was a moivie, now would you? That means that a LOT of information is missing from movies. You can undererstand the characters so much better after seeing how they think. Movies can not show that.
 As you can see, there are many reasons why I like books better than movies. They cost less because they do not use electricity, they exercise your brain, and allow you to use your imagination more and find out what the charachters are thinking. So, next time you pick up your remote control, think to yourself- "Maybe I should read a book..."